Wednesday, March 30, 2016

10 tips for a happy school day

In general, I feel like I have happy days. I love my job....and life....and I've got the joy down in my heart. Being an SLP is not for the faint of heart though. It is tough! There have been days that I have felt discouraged about the progress kids are making, frustrated with staff, and dealt with challenging behaviors (oh yeah, hitting, kicking, biting, running away). Here are several things I do weekly/daily to keep my spirits up and keep everyone happy.

1. Take 30 Minutes to Eat Lunch EVERY DAY. 

  • I can't tell you how many times I have heard SLP friends say that they didn't have time to eat lunch today. Yes we are busy. Yes there is a to-do list that is very long. But always take time to sit and eat lunch! Eating my lunch is a time to reset and regroup for the day. Often I eat lunch in my room by myself, but every once in a while my schedule aligns with one of my sped teachers and we get to eat and chat together. Its so nice! Guaranteed to make your day happier.
2. Play Music in your Speech Room. 
  • So I don't have music constantly playing in my room, because some kids just cannot focus with it playing. However, if I am doing paperwork, billing, or with a laid back group, music is definitely playing. I especially recommend Amos Lee or Taylor Swift to bring a smile to your face. 
3. Snack Throughout the Day. 
  • I know this is the second one on food, but its important. Nobody wants a hangry SLP. I'm always munching on a KIND bar, cheese stick, or berries. Yummmmm. 
4. Morning Devotional. 
  • When I get to school in the morning, I have about 15 minutes to settle in, check email, and do a quick morning devotional. I highly recommend Proverbs 31 devotionals. They are short and sweet and get your head and heart in the right place for the day. 
5. Send a Positive Email. 
  • I don't do this every day either. However, I try to be intentional about doing it weekly. Did a kid have an especially great session? Send an email. Did you overhear a compliment about a teacher? Let them know. Did you really appreciate something a parent or teacher did for you? Send that email girl. It'll make you both feel good! 
6. Get Exercise. 
  • Working out helps keep me happy. When I skip workouts, I can really get into a funk. Make sure to make time to go for a walk, get to the gym, or go to a class. I am obsessed with Gold's Gym classes including Body Pump and CX Works. 
7. Prioritize. 
  • Being an SLP is a unique job in the school system. You are usually the only one and have a lot of autonomy in how you complete your sessions and how you spend your time. We have a load of paperwork to do and a ton of kids to see. It is so important to prioritize your obligations....and say no to some things. Ask I really need to attend this staffing or would it be ok to skip it and spend some time doing progress reports? What is the biggest thing I need to accomplish today? it first! I also recommend fitting all your therapy into 3 days and designating 1 day for ARDs and 1 day for evaluations/report writing. 
8. Don't Take Paperwork Home. 
  • Do. Not. Do. It. I really try to leave school work at school. When it spills over into my personal time at home, I am not a happy camper. I try to be efficient and maximize my school time by doing a little at a time when it comes to ARDs, progress reports, and evals. I make a master list for the month of all the paperwork that needs to be completed. I make goals to complete parts of it each day at school. If you do this, you won't need to do it home. I want to be able to crash on the couch when I get home and watch bachelor un-interrupted without paperwork hanging over my head. 
9. Decorate your Speech Room. 
  • My speech room makes me very happy. I have colorful posters and bulletin boards hanging in my room. I have positive quotes posted around my desk. I have pictures of my besties, family, and hubby on my small bulletin board. I save Christmas cards and sweet pictures that families give me of students I see. They all make me smile. 
10. Organize and Clean Up. 
  • I took a long time making buckets for each month of the school year with books and activities for that month. I have frequently used items easy to grab off my shelf. I keep active student files alphabetically in my file cabinet. All my envelopes and desk supplies have a place. I always clean up my room at the end of the day. It is much better to come into a straight room in the mornings. Organization makes things so much easier. Easier = Happier. 
Most of these tidbits are pretty common sense, but I thought they were worth sharing. And did I mention COFFEE? That's pretty much a given. It is my bonus #11 though. What are your top 10 ways to have a happy day? 

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